Thursday, June 10, 2010

Roger’s world of rare dolls – Part 1

Around the world, Who Framed Roger Rabbit generated all kinds of merchandising: stickers, clothing, comics and magazines, stationery and party items… And of course: toys and dolls.

Today I’ll gonna show you some cute and interesting toys that were sold in a very distant country, in which Roger Rabbit still lives in Toontown and walks around when he has the chance: Japan.

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 First of all, there’s this cute wind-up doll and his box (I own this one, by the way):
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Then, we have a very peculiar plush doll, that has a battery-operated recorder inside him. That way, he’ll repeat everything you say to him:
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And then, there’s another plush doll: this one doesn’t do anything, but at least has some companion =3
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Look who’s there! Aren’t they the greatest buddies? They were sold exclusively at Tokyo Disneyland (in case you’re wondering, yes: it’s a single piece):
And the toys and collectibles keep coming and coming:
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Then, we have a very special figure made by Medicom, which is the best representation of Roger Rabbit I’ve ever seen in a toy or figure:
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Of course, Roger can be also an inflatable buddy (and I’m not talking about the Acme Suck-O-Lux incident):
Finally, there’s a toy that’s probably a chinese knock-off, but anyway I’m putting it here. It seems that finally Roger learned how to use a skateboard!! XD
Keep rolling, Roger!! =D
P.S. How could I forget this one? I know how much love has he gotten, since It’s owned by a very special person <3

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