Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Who Bopped Bugs Bunny?


Come on Bugs: we already know you’re jealous of Roger Rabbit. We know you’ve tried hard to mimic the success he achieved with a single movie and a handful of shorts. We know Michael Jordan and Brendan Fraser didn’t understand what’s being coupled with a cartoon character and make that work, just like Bob Hoskins did.

But this… THIS… This is too low, even for your standards.

Better pray RR2 gets released soon, maybe he can invite you to join the cast ;)

(Screencap took from here; watch the entire episode if you love Bugs and his protégés. While I despise Bugs, I enjoy watching Buster and Babs Bunny –no relation)


  1. Let it be known that I on the other hand love Bugs Bunny, so if any of the visitors to this blog want to write hatemail after reading this blog entry then only send it to Bunnyfriend :)

  2. Okay Alex, then let's the "Bunnyfriend bashing" begin! XD
