Saturday, November 5, 2011

More Roger Rabbit unknown art coming out!

Well, in first place let me apologize for the lack of updates on this blog. I never abandoned Toontown Antics, but I’ve had a hard time gathering new info, images or tidbits of trivia related to our favorite and beloved wacky rabbit. Sooooo…

Let’s say I’ve had a very special day today (guess I’ll gonna talk about it in another blog entry) and my old friend and co-admin Alex topped it with a nice surprise that I want to share with all my fellas:

While wandering around the intertubes, Alex found the personal blog of Pete Emslie, who’s a cartoonist and illustrator that worked for Walt Disney World’s marketing department between 1990 and 1994. As many of you remember, Walt Disney World celebrated its 20th. Anniversary back in 1991 and it was a HUGE celebration which involved Roger Rabbit in a very prominent role, since he was the big star of Disney at the time (even bigger than Mickey Mouse, you know). So he was displayed everywhere and even got a huge inflatable figure roaming around the place (recycled from Disneyland’s 35th. Anniversary). It was natural for Pete to use him for a series of promotional prints regarding the theme park’s anniversary, so he pulled out a very neat illustration which you can see here:

WDW 20th PresskitSurprising, isn’t it?

If you want to get the full illustration and also read some of the background story related to it, then you can go to The Cartoon Cave (Pete Emslie’s personal blog) or click on the above image, and get all the details =)

Thanks, Alex!

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