This is the official spanish translation of the comic Alex uploaded yesterday, published several years ago in the now defunct magazine “Disney Aventuras”. It was originally found on a little fansite devoted to Roger Rabbit which belongs to Profesor Charlie, a close friend of mine:
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Accident
Thanks to Crabula290 from Deviantart for providing me with the pages.

Friday, December 24, 2010
Happy Holidays from Roger and Toontown Antics!
Happy Holidays to all our visitors!!
This picture was found on eBay several months ago, and I couldn’t wait anymore to post it! =D
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Roger and Jessica’s wedding –In cold porcelain
I was randomly surfing on Flickr, when I stumbled upon this great rendition of Roger and Jessica’s wedding, done in cold porcelain:
The quality on the details is amazing, but surprisingly Baby Herman is wearing a girl dress, which looks quite odd on him (maybe the creator of this piece actually thought he was a baby girl, thanks to his huge eyelashes and the pink bow at his head).
If you want to see more works from this gifted lady, p-p-p-p-please visit her Flickr gallery =3
Who Bopped Bugs Bunny?
Come on Bugs: we already know you’re jealous of Roger Rabbit. We know you’ve tried hard to mimic the success he achieved with a single movie and a handful of shorts. We know Michael Jordan and Brendan Fraser didn’t understand what’s being coupled with a cartoon character and make that work, just like Bob Hoskins did.
But this… THIS… This is too low, even for your standards.
Better pray RR2 gets released soon, maybe he can invite you to join the cast ;)
(Screencap took from here; watch the entire episode if you love Bugs and his protégés. While I despise Bugs, I enjoy watching Buster and Babs Bunny –no relation)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Who Refurbished Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin?
Back in September of this year, Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin was closed for a full overhaul. If you’ve seen some pictures took inside this dark, cartoony ride, you surely noticed some paint peel-offs and dust all over the props. In fact the whole thing did look like neglected by maintenance crews, adding more injury to the already tarnished reputation of this ride (mainly constant breakdowns and the weird incident involving a kid falling out of his cart, which ran over him and caused serious injuries that took away his life several years later).
Gladly, the greatest and funniest Toontown attraction was reopened on December 16th, and it looks like new! Dust and paint peels are gone forever, and everything looks so colorful, shiny and awesome! Let’s hope the breakdowns are a thing of the past as well, but even if they remain some people consider them one of Car Toon Spin’s quirks, as they allow the visitors to walk around and take pictures of the props.
By the way, the video belongs to DisneyGirl4ever :D
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Walt Disney’s Looney Arts Club Band
Seems that dutch people are always getting cool Disney stuff. ALWAYS.
In this case we’re talking about one of the neatest parodies of the utterly famous “Sargent Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” album cover. But instead of The Beatles we have Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Horace Horsecollar. And instead of The Beatles, they’re called “The Duckles”. And still looks trippy, man.
This illustration was drawn in 2009 by comic illustrator Gerben Valkema, for a dutch Disney publication (Disney Comics are still popular in the Netherlands, and they have a huge cult following towards Donald Duck and the whole “Duckverse”). Of course Roger and Jessica Rabbit are featured –in first row!!
If you wonder about the colored version, here it is!
By the way, thanks to my co-blogger Alex for the heads-up!
Friday, December 10, 2010
A gift for all Roger Rabbit lovers
Gifted illustrator ZEN (who showed us Roger Rabbit can look sexy too) sent us this neat illustration, and now we’re sharing it with all RR lovers out there. Just look at all the details in his clothes and feet! Roger seems to be enjoying a great time, and I’m sure we’re doing it too ;)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Baby Roger Rabbit
Found on Eightoon: the online portfolio of spanish illustrator Pablo Gil París, who created this adorable illustration.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dip Flip
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
WFRR Movie Mistakes
Even our favorite movie has some mistakes, and someone decided to gather several of them in a single video. Many are continuity goofs and visible production equipment, but they’re worth the watch (and you’ll even start to wonder “Hey, why I didn’t notice that before?”).
Click here for the video!
(sorry, embedding was disabled for this one D: )
Sunday, October 31, 2010
How big was Roger Rabbit back in 1988?
Nowadays is hard to imagine a time in which Roger Rabbit was even bigger than Mickey Mouse, and merchandise from the movie was literally everywhere on Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
Thanks to Flicker user Loren Javier who kindly gave me permission to use his photos, you can now recreate those great times:

As you can see, this window which belongs to the store on Disneyland Hotel shows some of the RR related stuff you could find (and buy) inside. Once into the store, you realize that you’re in fact entering to Roger’s realm:

If you had any doubts of Roger’s fame, just look at this: he even claimed “Mickey’s Corner” as his own!!
T-shirts and sweatshirts, calendars, plush dolls, caps, audiobooks and LP discs, were some of the items and collectibles you could get in this store. Sadly those days are long gone, along with those dolls and merchandise.
If you were fortunate enough to enter to any Disney store back in 1988, we’ll be glad of hearing your own stories!
P.S. The girl appearing in those pictures is a friend of Loren Javier who posed for the photos back in December 1988. Thanks again!
Friday, October 29, 2010
If you have any doubts about Roger Rabbit 2…
…There’s again Robert Zemeckis, doing what he loves to do: giving us small updates of the upcoming sequel. This time he talks for MTV News in an event celebrating the 25th. anniversary of “Back To The Future”. He specifically talks about the script that Jeffrey Price and Peter Seaman are pulling out:
Monday, October 25, 2010
Have an “earie” Halloween!
Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s a real pleasure to share the following video (uploaded by Youtube user Crommy5), which features the McDonalds’ Halloween Gift Certificates with Roger Rabbit:
Each certificate booklet allowed you to get discounts on your meals, free sundaes, and even a little Roger Rabbit plushie with suction cups in the purchase of your VHS copy of the movie. No wonder why those plush buddies became so popular after this promotional campaign! (in fact, I have a couple of them hanging inside my car =3 ).
Here’s a decent-quality picture of the Halloween Certificates (but p-p-p-p-please don’t try to print it and redeem your free sundaes: McD’s clerks will think of you as a crazy, old fella XD):
Thursday, October 21, 2010
If you like screencaps…
…Then you should visit Screenmusings, a site in which you can find several still images from lots of movies and TV shows. Of course, there’s a section dedicated to Roger Rabbit, and you can find several screencaps from the movie (in fact, the whole movie was screen-captured) that you can use for make signatures, wallpapers, avatars and whatever you want.
But p-p-p-p-please be aware these are only for your personal use. Any commercial or unauthorized use is prohibited and prosecuted by law.
Benny the cab in Darkwing Duck
Friday, October 1, 2010
Roger Rabbit pencil test
The Roger Rabbit scene can be seen at the end, pretty much the same as the other video except in pencil instead of CGI.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
More sketches coming!
Original Roger Rabbit Sketches by ~Scribbledee on deviantART
DeviantART user Scribbledee (who’s also a Roger Rabbit fan) found those sketches somewhere and posted them in his gallery. They look like drawn by Richard Williams and he probably drew them as character studies (notice the small note in the left sketch).
I have more Richard Williams sketches stored somewhere, if I find them I’ll upload them for your viewing pleasure ;)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Roger Rabbit Gallery – with several cool sketches!
I’m always trying to find something valuable to share with you fellas, and this time I’m bringing you the link to a Roger Rabbit gallery (hosted by in which you can find official art from press releases, movie stills and some neat production sketches. There’s even a very detailed sketch of Jessica in her development stages (when she was wearing a different dress)!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bob Hoskins signs up for Roger Rabbit 2
United Kingdom’s Daily Telegraph revealed us today that Eddie Valiant is back on duty!
I mean, Bob Hoskins finally admitted he signed up for the upcoming sequel of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit" but also has some doubts about the movie being fully animated, as Zemeckis suggested some time ago.
Quoting his own words:
"I don't know how it's going to work out. The format they want to do is the same as we did for (2009 animated movie) "A Christmas Carol." The thing is, it looks like a cartoon, so how do you put a cartoon in the middle of a cartoon? I can't figure out how they are going to do it."
What worries me is when Hoskins says Robert Zemeckis will be animating the whole movie, even when the director revealed some months ago this sequel project will be similar to the original movie, I mean: a mix of animation and live action (although it might be presented in 3D).
At least we know “Roger Rabbit 2” is going ahead, and Bob Hoskins will play some kind of role in that movie (we still don’t know if he’ll reprise Eddie Valiant, but we hope he does it =D ).
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Finally, some news! Well, sort of…
They talk about a “newly discovered” screen test made for “Roger Rabbit 2” back in 1998. If you’re familiar with this blog, maybe you’ll remember we reviewed that screen test, SEVERAL MONTHS AGO:
I found that screen test back in May of this year, in Brendan Body’s blog. Someone decided to upload it to YouTube (since it was originally hosted on Vimeo) and then Cartoon Brew picked it up, claiming it was a new discovery. Let’s remember what we’re talking about fellas:
Although we don’t credit Cartoon Brew on that find (instead, we choose to credit Brendan Body since he was the person that found the RR2 test in Eric Guaglione’s website and shared it with everyone), we instead can credit them for bringing more news about that failed project, as some persons that were involved in it posted about their own experiences in the pre-production stages of this ill-fated prequel, and shared some facts about the making of that animated sequence.
I invite you to read about them in /Film or in Cartoon Brew, it’s a really interesting read and absolutely worth your time if you’re a hardcore Roger Rabbit fan like me =3
UPDATE: Eric Goldberg (Animation Director of this project) left his own comments on Cartoon Brew and explains a little about how this test was made and why the prequel project was canceled, besides costs. You gotta read this guy! =D
Friday, September 10, 2010
Roger Rabbit comic index
Index that only lists the Roger Rabbit issues.
And one for Roger Rabbit's Toontown.
To see more details or pictures from each story, click on "story code". The scans are very small, but the links are worth checking out if you like me, are a huge Roger Rabbit enthusiast.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Irresistible Love
Several days ago I bought a vintage Roger Rabbit poster, given in an old promo of a sticker album featuring Disney characters. Today, it arrived home in perfect shape:
Luckily, I had a frame available:
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (and Jessica too) =D
Friday, August 20, 2010
Roger Rabbit backgrounds
Sunday, August 15, 2010
No, I won’t talk about…
…that upcoming Bugs Bunny theatrical movie, in which WB tries to pull another Roger Rabbit. Yes folks: again.
I just can’t stand Bugs. He’s SO despicable.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Roger Rabbit UK Video Promo
The owner of YouTube channel TheThiefArchive uploaded recently a video featuring Charles Fleischer (voice of Roger Rabbit, Benny the Cab, Greasy and Psycho Weasels), in which he promotes the video release of Who Framed Roger Rabbit for all video rental stores in United Kingdom. Of course, this was recorded at least 21 years ago so Charles still looks like a youngster.
It’s a very great find indeed, since you can see how Charles tries to sell the movie to video stores in a very funny way, even doing silly voices and faces =D
P.S. If you’re a fan of Richard Williams’ work, I suggest you to subscribe TheThiefArchive; even you can find in that channel a very true work of love and art: a completed, true-to-origin version of “The Thief and The Cobbler”, made for fans by fans using original, recently-discovered footage. A timeless classic :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
We’re tiny, we’re toony, and Roger does a cameo!
In the last entry of this blog, my partner Alexander asked about certain Roger Rabbit cameo in an episode of Tiny Toon Adventures… I remembered watching that particular episode several years ago, so I began doing some minor research about it and finally I found that cameo!
You’re about to see a extract from the episode “Buster & Babs Go Hawaiian” (which in fact was the only episode written by fans of the show, and one of the very few fan-generated stories featured in a cartoon series), in which Roger and Jessica are featured. Unfortunately they aren’t playing full cameos: the only thing we can see are Roger’s right hand (wearing a blue glove instead of the well-known yellow one) and Jessica’s legs, but in the other hand Charles Fleischer was called to reprise Roger again:
(If you want to go directly to the cameo, click here)
Well… That’s it. Your thoughts? =0
Joker spoofs Roger?
And if you know about any other references or parodies of Roger Rabbit, then feel free to let us know. I remember him having a cameo of sorts in Tiny Toons once but haven't got a clue which that episode was.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Roger Rabbit 2 – In 3D?
Robert Zemeckis was interviewed while attending the “Cine & Chianti” retrospective in Tuscany (Italy) and he talked again about the upcoming Roger Rabbit sequel. He said that probably Steven Spielberg will join him again for the making of this movie (Spielberg producing, Zemeckis directing), but also kinda revealed that the sequel might be presented in 3D!!
But don’t get alarmed fellas: he talks about the 3D feature that’s the current trend on movie theaters, not the CGI-animated graphics. The animation on the sequel will remain 2D and live action sequences will be filmed, just like in the original movie. Even he explains the differences between the 3D films that are being projected currently (the computer-made ones and true 3D films that require special equipment for its filming, against the 2D movies converted to 3D) and how Roger Rabbit 2 will take advantage of the newest technologies for providing a better experience to the audiences.
The whole interview was uploaded by Youtube user sentieriselvaggi and Zemeckis starts to talk about the RR sequel at the 1:47 mark:
I can’t imagine Roger popping just in front of my eyes… I’ll bet that would be a great experience if it’s done in the right way, and sure you will feel like if you were actually in Toontown =D
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Roger Rabbit Mini-Maquette

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
C’est la vie, Roger!
Hi Roger Rabbit by ~no-nox on deviantART
DeviantART user no-nox found this Roger Rabbit statue at some display in Disneyland Paris. Of course he had to wear appropiate clothing, huh-huh! =D
Wonder how many Roger statues still exist… D=
Sunday, June 27, 2010
More Roger Rabbit commercials!!
As every Roger Rabbit fan is waiting for the upcoming news about the sequel of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, there’s a lot of people talking about the rabbit and his friends right now. And naturally, things related to the original movie are starting to pop-up in several websites.
TheThiefArchive @ Youtube uploaded recently some commercials related to the movie, being one of those the McDonalds ad with the collectible cups that seems to have some original animation made specifically for it:
Neat finds, huh-huh!! =D
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Roger Rabbit 2 – It’s on its way!!
I’m glad to share with you guys some news that will make us very, very, very happy. How much? Well… Let's say your eyes aren’t kidding you: the title of this entry is right!
“Who Framed Roger Rabbit”
a sequel!!
When interviewed by Empire Magazine about the upcoming projects coming from the House of Mouse, a.k.a. Disney, producer Don Hahn commented about “The Lion King” getting the 3-D treatment (which is also getting “Beauty and the Beast”) but also spilled some beans about the upcoming Roger Rabbit sequel. In the same criptic way we’re getting used to, Hahn told Empire that…
“Yeah, I couldn’t possibly comment. I deny completely, but yeah… if you’re a fan, pretty soon you’re going to be very, very, very happy.”
With all this rumors and promises from the upcoming movie, I can’t wait to be very, very, very happy! Mr. Hahn, p-p-p-p-p-please help Disney to bring Roger Rabbit back!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Kathleen Turner might get “drawn this way” again!
According to mexican news agency Notimex, which article (in spanish) was published in a very respected newspaper, Kathleen Turner (who’s turning 56 years old this saturday) is considering to reprise her role as Jessica Rabbit in the upcoming sequel to “Who Roger Rabbit”, which is scheduled to be released in 2012.
Although the article is mainly focused on Turner’s career, it also talks a little about the upcoming movie: Roger and his friends will return with an improved look, but they will remain 2D-animated (so there’s no need to worry about the honey bunny and his sultry wife becoming some sort of weird CGI monsters, huh-huh!).
Great news, dont’cha think so? =D
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Roger’s world of rare dolls – Part 1
Today I’ll gonna show you some cute and interesting toys that were sold in a very distant country, in which Roger Rabbit still lives in Toontown and walks around when he has the chance: Japan.